First Baby Means First Home

It's really special to be able to help some of your best friends find a home.

Meet our incredible friends Charlie and Erin. Coming up on 2 years of marriage in August and a baby on the way, they were eager to buy their first home before bringing the newest family member into the world.

Both Charlie and Erin work at Providence on Murray and commute time was a major factor to where they wanted to plant their roots. They wanted a nice home, but weren't scared of small updates as Erin's dad is handy and willing to help. With a lot of friends, 3 dogs, and love for BBQ'ing, they needed a detached home with a nice yard and some privacy. After living in a few homes with only 1 bath, they were hoping to find a home with a 2nd bath.

With a rough understanding of their needs, we met with Charlie and Erin to review all recent sales of homes that fit their criteria and budget so that they could understand the market, and we could really get in their head for what they wanted. Once we were all on the same page, the search was on!

And boy is the westside a hot market right now. We toured homes that had a line out the door after only being on the market for an hour. We toured homes that had swarms of people in the open house. We put an offer on a home that had 16 other offers within 24 hours on market.

Finally, they found the one. Great location, newer construction with minor updates needed, bath off master, and a sunny backyard ready for BBQ's!

HUGE congrats to this soon-to-be-family-of-three! We're so excited for you guys.


3035 E Main Street


Thoughts on Rent Control